UAB “Vigrema”
Is engaged in production of compost, biohumus, vermicompost, recycling of organic waste (debris), wholesale-retail trade.
The company’s employees provides advise on the use and production of vermicompost (biohumus) and issues related to earthworm cultivation.
Financing provided to the company under the measure “Regio potencialas LT”

UAB “Vigrema”, a stable working company in the field of compost production, successfully implements the project “UAB “Vigrema” veiklos plėtra” (03.3.1-LVPA-K-850-01-0178).
The company is currently engaged in composting activities. In order to carry out compost production activities more efficiently, it was decided to expand the scope of activities and realize the advantages of economies of scale. In order to expand the scope of activities there are plans to purchase new equipment for the project: a compost turner, a compost screener and four sets of compost maturation and processing equipment.
UAB “Vigrema” received support from the EU Structural Funds – EUR 163,059.00 for the acquisition of advanced above-mentioned equipment under the measure “Regio potencialas LT” of Priority 3 “Promotion of Small and Medium Business Competitiveness” of the European Union Funds Investment Operational Program 2014-2020, which promotes investment for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the introduction of modern technologies. The implementation of modern technologies enables to adapt the existing model and create new production capacities for the production of new and existing products, which in turn creates conditions for faster development and growth of Lithuanian regions. The implementation of the project is supported by the Republic of Lithuania and partly financed by the European Union. The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
The result of the ongoing project was the purchase of a compost turner, compost screener and four sets of compost maturation and processing equipment.
It is expected that the result of the project activities will increase the company’s income and productivity by increasing the volume of activities. UAB “Vigrema” will carry out sales at its own expense.